Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I am playing the Mean Girl

Often I think my friends get tired of stories about my students. but man kids say the darnedest things... okay that was bad... but here is an exchange with one of my students today (names have been changed for the sake of privacy). I find Lisa digging in the sand by herself away from her friends. Keep in mind Lisa is 3 years old:

Billy: (okay this name isn't changed) Hey Lisa what are you doing?

Lisa: I am the mean girl.

Billy: Why are you the mean girl?

Lisa: Well... I am playing the mean girl.

Billy: Why can't you play the nice girl?

Lisa: Because I have to be the mean girl until I die in green. And then after that I will be born the nice girl.

Billy: Okay...

Some kids say cute, funny things like "calapitter" instead of catepillar. others blurt out things their parents say when they get angry like "god damn it!" (with perfect intonation). while a few, like Lisa, create fantastical worlds where they are one character then die, only to be reborn as another characther. their minds are complex and they see things we don't, like ghosts...

i have had students have full conversations with bathroom stalls, corners of rooms, and hallways... this phenomena is similar to a dog barking at nothing, or a cat staring for hours at nothing... so kids in general are cute, imaginative and creepy...

another recent development with my students, is that they are slowly catching on to the fact that my last name is schuh (shoe) and indeed that is funny, but they have decided to change my name to funnier, sometimes rhyming, words. here is a brief list:

- Boo
- Poo
- Poop
- Silly
- Silly head (this one actually hurts my feelings)
- Pencilface
- School
- (fart sound)
- Goo Goo Gaa Gaa (my favorite)

Now granted these names haven't stuck, but i have been going through this my whole life, and i have yet to hear any original material... this might be a challenge for somebody...

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