Sunday, December 24, 2006

A trip to the refrigerator leads me to the St. Louis Blues game with my Mother

wow what a creative title for my first blog post in a long time. so last night we played a show for our friend colin's graduation party at Eastside Tavern. we had a great time, played some new songs (there seemed to be a nice reception to the new material) and than partied until the very very wee wee wee hours of the morning. my phone was filled with drunk messages and a very self-loathing text message (i still haven't replied, its so stupid that its not worthy of further comment). so i was hungover and met a new friend. i'm proud to say that she is a new friend, she is so funny and cool, benjamin and i had lunch with her. its nice to have people like that in columbia. so after a lunch full of conversation and discovery, i made my way back to st. louis, i talked to my brother and my friend ryan reed for awhile, and than traded my time with AM radio. i don't like listening to music on the radio, so i grabbed some talk radio...

so i get home and immediately go to the refrigerator. 1. because my parents have food, and 2. my parents have food. so on the door i found four tickets to the Blues game for tonight vs. the Buffalo Sabres. the face value read $100 per ticket! so even though i was tired and hungover, i could not stand that these tickets did not have a person to use them, so my mom and i went.

it was great. the blues won 3-2 in overtime, but more importantly i had a pretty chill evening with my mom. i admit i'm a mama's boy, i talk to my mom quite a bit, but it was nice going on this impromptu trip. she went with me, because i couldn't find anyone to go in time for the game, but she really liked the game. plus the seats were in the Club section, which meant we had a wait staff attend to our every hot dog and beer need we had.

later, i caught up with some friends from columbia, which included my friend rich, who is by far my funniest friend. he makes me laugh so hard i actually tear up, but then again i'll tear up several times during steel magnolias. okay that is only partly true. but still he is one funny fella, and is a welcomed part of company. i also saw my friend jenni, john, dan, and stephanie. none of them know each other, but they do now, and it was a nice evening of beer and talk at one of st. louis' worst restaurants "krieger's". it is as trite as applebees or ruby tuesdays.

all in all it was a nice day, but i have to get some fucking sleep already.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

expect more transmissions now that i have a computer to work on for the next three days.

happy holidays y'all...

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