Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Shift of the Room....

So for the past month I have been battling a sense of vertigo. It comes in the form of a light head, a shift in vision, or complete unbalance. I looked to many possibilities: stress, a tumor, an irregular heart, low blood sugar, and possibly the need for corrective vision.

Stress - This to me was an all to likely candidate. I have a lot going on in my life, which in the past has caused me to break off good relationships, quit jobs, and acquire some very unlikely viruses and illnesses. So with this go around of dizzy spells I thought maybe this could be it. Currently at two jobs, own a label, and play in a band, this to me would be the recipe for disaster. No time for a relationship, some time for immediate friends, and some time for myself. I have concentrated on myself trying to work out more often (which I have), eat healthier (which I have), and get more sleep (which I have). I have also cut down considerably on alcohol and caffeine. But my stress still remains.... so here is where I think the dizzy spells come in. For this theory I may only be partly right.

Tumor - Now this of course is what many people in my family also freak out about. We have very little history of cancer in my family (we are a family of meat and potatoes and cigarette heart attacks) and of course this would be the big Cosmic joke that once I start leading a healthier life the Universe would deal a tumor to stand in my way. The doctor did a number of neurological tests. Not the kind with a brain scan and wires attached to my head, the basic physical exam. They check to make sure you can feel you hands and feet and face, you are reacting to light and dark normally, and just making sure all of your senses are in its right place (does food taste funny, do you smell odd scents, etc?) After letting them know that I could feel, smell, taste, hear, and see fine, I was good to go.

Irregular Heart - This same doctor gave me the okay on my heart as well. I thought that maybe I was having problems after having one dizzy spell during a work out. But my blood pressure and pulse were tip top, and my heart beat was regular... so I'm good there.

Low Blood Sugar - This to me would a realistic one. I have not cut back on eating, but I have cut a TON of sugar out of my diet. Moderation is key. I eat a good variety of fruit, veggies and meat through out the day. If I drink soda its a diet or caffiene free diet version of it. But the doctors said that with the food that I am eating I am getting enough of the sugar one needs to maintain oneself. Okay doc...

Corrective Vision - I have a pretty weak prescription. I am farsided and have been in need for glasses and contacts for a couple of years, but I haven't really needed them. I was able to read fine, drive fine and see fine. Recently I noticed things were not going as well as they had, and my vision blurred when reading small upclose print. But I pushed it aside arrogantly. Well my physician said it would be a good idea to have the professional eye doctor take a look at what is going on. My eyes have indeed worsened in the past couple of years. I have an astigmatism, different powers in each eye, and overall jaded perception of life. okay that last part was a bit of an exaggeration, but its true...

we'll see how this all gets sorted out. (sigh)

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