Monday, March 19, 2007

i have returned... with what exactly...

so i went to austin, texas with my band, and it was hella fun... we played some good shows and saw some good shows. we spent time with friends and drank with them.

i had some very good meetings and got some great advice from new and old friends who own fantastic labels...

i think what i came back with is a fresh perspective on everything i am doing. i was really down on myself for coming off too business like sometimes, but after meeting some of the people i met, i am nowhere near that level. i am simply trying to get columbia on the map, and help bands i love get their music out to as many people as possible. it would be nice if this was my full time job, but it is not... not right now. i don't think this is a foolish pursuit... but time will be the best judge.

so after travelling 14 hours in the minivan with five other people (austin to columbia), i had to get up and motivate myself to face the onslaught of 20+ children and their needs at 8 am... it was a lot today, mondays are always difficult, they are out of routine, out of sync, and of course not feeling well... so after 8 and half hours i came home and fixed my computer, had some dinner and worked out for the first time in a week. austin was fun, but i paid for it... i think i am still recovering from friday night's partying...

i'll have a SxSW tour diary in MOVE magazine in the next couple of weeks...

i recently read a very good book called Attention. Deficit. Disorder. by Brad Listi. Brad contacted the band's myspace site and we traded his LA times Bestselling book for our cd... i read it in the van to and from austin, and normally this isn't the type of book i would read cover to cover, but i kept identifying with the main character. anyway i am going to write him a letter at my earliest convenience. the main character goes through so much personal tragedy, i'm curious to know how much of Mr. Listi's own personal demons are intertwined in the character. i know that sometimes the songs i write have very cryptic lyrics, but they are always connected to me somehow... anyway i highly recommend the book.

it is time to rest my head full of worry... good night to you all as well...

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