Monday, October 15, 2007

12 hours in the Car = my ten year old version...

so as some of you may know, i am in new york city. this trip was a long one. 20 hours by car (more with traffic stops, starts, and stops). i am accompanied by my friend of longstanding, ryan reed. ryan is an honorary Schuh in my family. we get along great for a variety of reasons, but one that holds out the most, is the ability to just plain get along. it is really hard to find people you can actually travel with. ryan is just one of them fellers.

another thing about ryan is that we act like ten year olds when we are together. most of the conversation is laughing. usually about dumb shit we thought of or various sexual innuendos. it's all petty and immature, but funny. most of our sentences start out with YEAH! or CHECK THIS OUT! or No, Dude... again petty, but very needed. ryan and i both turned 30 and have had A LOT of changes in our lives. this trip is exactly what we needed. hopefully we will find what we are looking for besides pizza, falafel and taxis...

so our trip to new york was, as i mentioned, loooooong. our first stretch was from st. louis to columbus. that was cake. it was today's drive that was draining. started at 8:30 am and ended at 9:15 pm. okay for those mathemagicians out there that is more than 12 hours. but ryan and i came upon an accident in which two tractor-trailers collided to create what a witness described as "hell on earth". the two vehicles exploded and burned down to their frames. the wreckage was intense, but in order to see it you had to travel 7 miles for TWO hours.... slow doesn't even begin to describe the traffic pace.

anyway, we arrive in brooklyn and meet up with my friends in the band Witch's Hat. i had secured them and the band Bald Eagle a place to stay for the week of the CMJ festival, but like clockwork, something fell through. a roommate of one of the people they are staying with was unaware, and was not cool with four unknowns grabbing floor space. in the end it worked out fine, everyone has found cozy dwellings in williamsburg, brooklyn, but we will see how the shuffle for floor space will go for the next couple of days.

i am really looking forward to seeing some friends and meeting some new people with whom the label and band will be working with. also i will have dinner with my grandma (who apparently is sticking around this lifetime long enough to see me get married.... we'll see about that). so all in all i expect good things, but i need some rest. i slept on a hard wood floor last night and tonight i will be on a loveseat, so my back is going to be in all sorts of compromising positions... (insert your own joke here)


Unknown said...

aw, i wont be seeing billy on the couch with computer in hand and baseball on this week? :-( think my heart stopped.
(on eric's account)

Zach B said...

While you were gone, I got a 5,000,000 pt score in word dojo.